Then -


      After Central;

        I attended UL for one year but despised it, so I worked for Fashion Shop for a few years
        where I briefly worked with Kristy Borgman. After that I managed a luxury condo complex,
        left there and I've been a stay at home mom ever since.

      Now I'm;

        I've been married to John Barnett, class of 77, for almost 23 years. It was great to get
        a nice normal last name! I have two beautiful kids, Zachary is 19 and goes to UL, and
        Hannah is 13 and will go to Butler Traditional next year.

      Memorable CHS Moments;

        Meeting my husband John and trying to flirt with him in the hallway and him not realizing
        it; cruising the Point with Janet and the cast of characters we met through the years,
        the long bus rides from Seneca and our adventures with the Dorn brothers, cutting school
        to go to the Belvedere or Long Run Park, Janet using the pay phone by the office pretending
        to be Pam's mom to get her out early (Busted!), concerts almost every week; friendly debates
        with Herb Butler about who was better, Beatles or Eagles. Beatles, duh! The gorgeous Doug
        Berry and him driving us home when the bus didn't show up, being in choir with Denise and
        getting to sing with the choir at graduation; pep rallies, football games, cute boys and
        secret crushes, what a really great time it was!

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