Then -

                            Me and Kathy Brown as we departed for Europe with the U of L Foreign Language
                            program in June '77 (I have some REALLY good stories of how Kathy and I nearly
                            caused the chaperones to have heart attacks on this trip.... more than once!)

                            Me and Jill Anderson at her house in North Carolina after we both moved south

      Now -

                Me and Don, Nov 2003

      After Central;

        I actually left Central after junior year thanks to the foreign language program's summer of '77
        trip to Europe with U of L and some correspondence courses. My family moved to South Carolina
        in the fall of '77, where I spent my (would-be) senior year working several minimum wage jobs.
        This gave me the motivation I needed to enter the University of South Carolina in 1978, where
        I earned a BS in Computer Science in 1982. After graduation, I headed back north to work for
        NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio (now NASA Glenn Research Center) as a
        Computer Scientist. I have been in Cleveland ever since.

      Now I'm;

        Married with 4 boys, still working at NASA Glenn as a Software Engineer. I met my husband,
        Don Varga, at the fitness center at NASA. We married in Jan. 1989 and in Oct. 1989 I delivered
        twin boys, Aaron and Michael, now 16. After having twins I lost all sense of reason, and went on
        to have two more sons, Sean in April 1992 (now 13) and Corey in Feb. 1995 (now 10).

        My career with NASA has had some exciting moments. One of my projects was Lead Software
        Engineer for one of our space experiments that flew on the Space Shuttle Columbia on two
        different missions in 1997. We developed all the software for operating the experiment on the
        Shuttle, for providing the crew an application to run the experiment, and for collecting the
        downlinked data on the ground and providing it to scientists. I worked as part of the Operations
        team in the Payload Operations Control Center in Huntsville, AL during the mission, helping the
        astronauts execute the experiments and perform any troubleshooting. Unfortunately, a reflight
        of this experiment was onboard the Columbia when it exploded in 2003.

        In August 2003 I went to Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh to earn my Masters Degree
        in Software Engineering on a 12-month NASA Fellowship program. Since returning from that,
        NASA has fallen on hard times and there are predictions of layoffs at Glenn numbering in the
        hundreds next year. My dream right now is to get a job in the game industry programming
        computer and video games. (Argh... when did I become a GEEK!?) If anyone has any contacts....
        LET ME KNOW!

      Memorable CHS Moments;

        Going to Mrs. Washington's Spanish class with Kathy Brown after our courtyard visits...
        "Now Chil'ren!!!" (Does anyone know Kathy's whereabouts?) Red Barn... Cherokee Park...
        The courtyard... The swimming pool... Concerts: Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac...
        Missing 2 months of school due to the Teachers Strike and a month of snow days.

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