Then -


      Now -


      After Central;

        I went to the University of Colorado to become an Actuary. For some reason they put
        me in the engineering school and after two years of too much geekdom I transferred
        back to U of L. I got my Finance Degree, Accounting Degree and MBA. Got into
        biking and running. Went on 4 major bike trips and even ran the Mini one year in 1:16;
        not bad for a non-athletic short jewish boy.

        Avoiding getting a real job until I married Cherie in 1988. Had to "Sell Out" and try to
        become a capitalist to support my "Material Girl" wife. Owned 5 tanning salons and 3
        video stores. After working 80-100 hours a week to give all my money to "The Man"
        (The banks and the government) decided to get a real job.

      Now I'm;

        Happily married for 17 years. Working as a computer programmer and accountant at
        Alpha Leasing Company. I have a son Zachary who is 14, and am raising my Nephew
        Chris who is 10. Zachary is a brainiac at Meyzeek, soon to be at Manual. As the
        designated homework parent, it appears that I am now getting the High School
        education that I so successfully avoided all those years ago at Central.

      Memorable CHS Moments;

        Going to Central was 2 of the best years of my life. I still think that our class was
        the closest class that I've ever heard of.

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