Then -


      After Central;

        Where to start? I wandered helplessly for a few years partying most the way! Not knowing
        what to do or how to do it. Do not remember much from age 17 to age 21, mostly a "Blur".
        About the time I turned 21 I was tired of cheap beer and being slapped in the face by women
        I did not know for the comments I should not have made! Guys if you know what I mean. Any
        how! I did use my training and certificate for Heating and Air conditioning I acquired from
        Detrick's Vocational school so believe it or not I did listen to Thomas Bentley and George
        Kirchner for which I owe a lot of gratitude and thanks. I have worked in the Machinery and
        robotics industry for the last 27 years.

      Now I'm;

        A happily married man, Sorry ladies! I met my wife when I was 24 and we married at the
        age of 26. We have 2 beautiful Daughters that are at the scary ages of 17 and 14 but
        "DADDY" knows all the tricks so they do not get away with much. I rule with the iron fist!
        End of that story. My family and I still live in Louisville and I work for a machinery manufacturer
        as their Senior technician and trainer for the shrink wrap division. I have a theory that "Families
        that play together stay together" and so far it has worked. We as a family enjoy water skiing
        and tubing during the summer months. We "ATV" with 4 wheelers and camp and hike during
        the fall & winter months. I fish regularly in the spring.

        I do still fool around with the old cars as I did in high school, I am at the end of a 6 year project
        of restoring a 1969 Chevelle SS 396 car and it will be out pounding the roads this spring! So
        stay out of the way. lol

        I do keep in touch with Tom Fliescher that I met at Central, he and I live in Fern Creek and
        occasionally fish and water ski together. I also work with Kevin Farris he is the top Salesman
        for the company he and I work for and both of us do quite well.

        I hope everyone is doing well, I will never forget the class of "1978" and I am surprised that half
        of us are still here for the stunts our generation has pulled!!!!!

      Memorable CHS Moments;

        Buying beer every day with Bruce Burmester and Tom Fliescher at some Drive thru liquor store
        on 13th street, how we chugged a 6 pack of beer in the 12 minutes it took us to drive to Detrick
        vocational school and learned anything I have no idea. I still get buzzed drinking 2 beers!

        The show in auditorium that Kurt Bendl and Greg Foresman's rock band put on for the school, the
        curtains opened they came out Blasting! Carry On My Wayward Son by "KANSAS" still makes
        my hair stand up on my neck thinking about it. You guys ROCKED!

        The day I cut through auditorium after seeing Mr. McPherson in the office for some reason I choose
        to forget!!!! On my way to Mr. Stringer's English class, I walked between curtains and Bev Burton
        stole a kiss! And "Yes" there was some tongue involved!!! That I will never forget because I always
        had a crush on her all the way back to freshman and sophomore year at Westport High School.

        Parking my car over in the faculties parking lot one and only time, and the damn windows get shot
        out along with the teachers! Dammit Man that sucked!!!!

        The help I received from Mrs.Stringer in English 101, she helped turn me around. Thank you Mrs.

        The help, the patience and "Heart to Hearts" talks Thomas Bentley Sr., vocational school teacher,
        my mentor my friend! God rest his soul. I sent Mr. Bentley and his wife an invitation to our wedding
        and they showed up!!!! I still have their wedding gift to this day.

        Mr. Thomas Bentley, Sr. I will never forget you! And all you taught me. Thank you and may God
        Bless you.

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