Then -


      Now -

      After Central;

        I joined the Navy a month after graduation. Duty assignment in Gaeta, Italy for four years.
        Traveled the continent extensively and met my (now x) wife in Israel. Entered training and
        assignment for deep diving program in Hawaii and retired 22 years later in Virginia Beach.
        I have a daughter and son that are now 20 and 22 respectively.

      Now I'm;

        Working for the Postal Service which is actually a Nazi organization minus the brains.
        I live with my cat...actually, it's my daughter's cat, but when she realized that it sheds,
        and must be fed, it became my cat. My daughter plays field hockey for Virginia
        Commonwealth University, so I'm a devoted fan within four hours travel. I enjoy all
        kinds of outdoor activities, but really my body only enjoys tennis and snorkeling.
        These days the body wins.

      Memorable CHS Moments;

        Mike Freeman, Libby Ford and myself renting the St. Mathews VFW for a party.
        We hired Greg Foreman's band to play. Flyers were circulated to all schools that
        feed into Central. The St. Mathews police were out in a snow storm on Shelbyville Rd.
        clearing traffic congestion coming to our party. VFW Staff were inside, unknowingly
        tending bar to over 500 high school students.

        Getting caught in the act of cutting school by Mr. McPherson in the parking lot.

        Prom night! Boy everybody cleaned up good didn't they?

        The look on poor Laurie Martin's face during our lifeguard certification test. The guy we
        had to perform our rescue on was a U of L tackle weighing around 260 lbs, and Laurie
        was 90 lbs soaking wet. She was close to tears and kept pacing back and forth
        waiting her turn.

        Cutting school with John Brumleve and Amy Tiser and going swimming at the rock
        quarries in Indiana.

      Email -