Then -


      After Central;

        I went to Indiana University for three semesters, and ran out of money, so I finished my
        studies at IUS in New Albany, earning a B.S. in Management. Well, the business world
        and I didn't quite see eye to eye, so I became a librarian, which to everyone's surprise,
        (especially mine) has clicked.

      Now I'm;

        Working as a librarian in Michigan at the Flint Public Library. I also have published some
        poetry and some children's stories. I also am involved with a comic strip "Four Corners",
        which ran in newspapers for almost seven years, until politics interfered, and now is
        strictly online. Check it out at Of course, any
        newspaper interested in running the strip is welcome to contact me or my business
        associate. I dated Judy Erlich, an Atherton alumna for several years until her death
        following internal bleeding.

      Memorable CHS Moments;

        Oh, man, I have so many wonderful memories of Central. I remember the great senior play
        "Dark Of The Moon", the Ice-Cream Sale commercial we did for the Drama Club, the campaign
        for class president when Bill Bayersdorfer wore a sport coat and gym shorts, the talent show
        where Ken Fischer and I were Tyrone and Gladys (now that dates us right there), the great
        prom, and perhaps the scariest memory of when Greg Page and I were tied for most talented
        senior, and there was a run-off election. Greg won, and deservedly so.

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