Then -


      After Central;

        I got my undergraduate degree in business/accounting from Duke,
        after which I moved to Raleigh. Met Debbie at my first career in public
        accounting and got married in 1983 (in spite of my California golf trip
        with Kenny Abrams, the purpose of which he claims was to talk me out
        of it). It is a "mixed marriage" on more than one level. In truth, the religious
        differences aren't as problematic as the different shades of blue - she is
        a UNC Tarheel. Bryan was born in 1988 and just finished his freshman year
        at Duke. Matt was born in 1990 and will be starting his senior year of high
        school this fall. I changed careers in 1998 and became an officer of a bank.
        Less than two years later, the bank merged with another bank, and thus
        began our family's four year adventure in Memphis. I thought I lived in the
        South when we were in Raleigh, but I soon discovered where the real South
        was. We enjoyed the barbecue and blues, but we missed North Carolina
        and moved back in 2004.

      Now I'm;

        After failing miserably at my first and second careers, I am on to career
        number three - money management. That's right, following in the footsteps
        of my friend Kenny (after all, he was voted Most Likely to Succeed wasn't he?).
        We do the exact same thing but the assets he manages and his compensation
        both have a few more zero's at the end than mine. Besides work, I enjoy golf,
        snow skiing and reading. Debbie and I also do a lot of volunteer work with
        several non-profit organizations and we are beginning to prepare for the
        empty nest stage.

      Memorable CHS Moments;

        Honestly, the alzheimer's prevents a lot of memories, but I feel certain that
        I went to lots of parties, and football games - definitely remember Dan and
        Stacey starring in the school play and believe it or not, I do recall my first
        accounting class with Mr. Shively and history class with Mrs. Schultz (or was
        it political science?).

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