Then -


      After Central;

        Undergraduate degree from University of Georgia; Graduate degree in psychology from Xavier
        University; Project manager for Human Resources firm in Chicago until moved to Cincinnati

      Now I'm;

        Married to Mark since 1984; Moved to Cincinnati in 1992; Two daughters, Isabella (born 1990)
        and Cecilia (born 1993); Staying at-home and staying busy with school and community

      Memorable CHS Moments;

        How can I choose?! There are so many...driving all over creation for football games, being
        scared to go into the girls bathroom, play practices, getting my battery stolen from my VW,
        Greg Page, Ms. Care, Ms. Cheese, Ms. Andrada, Mr. Vigar, skipping school to go to the park
        or Churchill Downs or wherever...I'll have to come back to this...

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