Then -


      Now -

      After Central;

        I always wanted to be an engineer. So, I went to U of L Speed School.
        College was a time to further build connections with fellow Central grads.
        I joined Ray Frye and Ken Fischer for Monday night Calculus cram sessions
        at Ray's house. Thanks for all your help, guys. I met Brother Mark Briel at
        the Beta Theta Pi house. Can you say, "Animal House"? I remember working
        with Joanie Bensel, Paul Bridwell and Bruce Burmester at Kroger. I received
        an Electrical Engineering degree in '83. I went to work at the local utility,
        LG&E, in '84. Then, I bought a haunted house near St. X HS in '85.

        I went back to U of L and received my MBA in 1998.

      Now I'm;

        Still at LG&E after 20 years, but now I am an Economic Analyst. That means
        that I am surrounded by Economists and Statisticians who enjoy numbers and
        computers as much as I do. The company is a subsidiary of the German Energy
        Conglomerate, E.ON AG.

        I married the love of my life, Diane, in 1989. We have three children, Curtis (15),
        Amber (13) and Julie (11). The older two kids have had the privilege of learning
        Technology from a fellow CHS '78 grad, LeeAnn Bryan Gooch.

        My family loves the outdoors and travel. We like to hike and go camping --
        usually in Virginia, North Carolina or Tennessee. My wife has hiked over 1000
        miles of the Appalachian Trail. Her mother has hiked the entire trail from Georgia
        to Maine.

        You may see me on weekends officiating Swim meets. All of my kids have been
        swimming since they were in diapers.

      Memorable CHS Moments;

        - The good -

        Prom night bowling with Sharon Brown

        Joining Greg Page and his friends on the Senior trip to Kings Island

        Physics with Evil Roy Slade

        Calculus with Epsilon Man (Tom Waits), Herb Butler and Pat Fulton

        Frau Sellers. The German I learned at CHS has come in handy lately.

        - The bad -

        Matchmaking efforts of Dirk Bowman

        Zack Royal running the halls after school in Army boots

        What can be done with a Van de Graph generator and a screwdriver

        - And the ugly -

        Senora Washington's Spanish with soul pronunciation

        Weeks of pressure from Ms Cheese to join her Advanced English class

      Email -